Case Study:
Got Bugs? Termite and Pest Solutions

The Challenge
Pam believed in offering health benefits to her team. Not only did it help build employee loyalty, it was the right thing to do. She offered benefits for years but had to deal with mountains of administrative work and rates that were quickly becoming untenable. Every year, she heard complaints from her team as their rates ballooned—a standard occurrence for small businesses. She even lost an employee to a job with benefits that allowed him to better-manage the costs of his son’s health condition. Pam needed a solution to lessen her administrative burden and keep costs down for both her and her employees.
The Solution
GPCA partnered with Decisely to provide an Association Healthcare Solution to its members to help business owners like Pam. It’s no secret that healthcare costs continue to increase—especially for small businesses. With help from a nationally-recognized insurance provider, GPCA was able to help keep costs down for member businesses by leveraging the power of their numbers. When associations like GPCA are able to negotiate lower insurance prices for their members, the savings help everyone.
The Results
Pam’s benefits portfolio has changed dramatically since she sourced her healthcare through the GPCA Association Healthcare Solution. She can afford to offer higher quality benefits at substantially lower prices. “For what we used to pay for just medical in 2019, we now offer medical, dental, and vision. A couple employees have even taken advantage of short-term and long-term disability.”