Bridging the Gap Between Tech and Traditional Brokers

Bridging the Gap Between Tech and Traditional Brokers

When we think of traditional brokers, we think of personal relationships and partnerships. When it comes to technology-based brokers, we think of opportunities to scale. But the real question is: how can the two connect?

The world of health insurance is rapidly evolving. Traditional brokers are a trusted source, and tech-based solutions provide new growth opportunities. You can reap the most benefits by understanding how they overlap.

Over the last few years, web-based benefits brokers have turned the traditional model on its head. But it doesn’t have to be one or the other. You do not have to sacrifice service for technology. Or expertise for efficiency. The happy medium is a give and take. Less in-person interaction, but guaranteed availability over the phone and email. Not to mention streamlined technology that makes onboarding and picking healthcare coverage extremely economical.

The need for tech brokers has grown as more and more people are turning to technology to ensure their businesses run smoothly. Decision makers are consistently looking for ways to integrate technology into their businesses to boost productivity and to break down barriers to information.

In some experiences with insurance, you hear of slow processes, red tape, and some even view choosing healthcare as a hassle. With the introduction of software solutions, these processes are now far simpler and much more user friendly. By choosing a broker that combines technology and tradition, you receive both resourceful infrastructure and knowledgeable customer service.

There is a balance between determining the level of guidance and customer service you need along with the savings in time and money. Tech-based solutions do not automatically mean traditional brokers are obsolete. Strategic and business relationships also have stemmed from said tradition. Service and support are not irrelevant to any business. In the same light, software that quickens the onboarding process and lets employees select and actually understand their healthcare coverage further drives the integration of technology into everyday life and everyday decisions. Not to mention it makes your life much easier.

So how can you have the best of both kinds of brokers? 

Brokers such as Decisely are combining technology with the benefits of a traditional brokerage. We offer platforms that make hiring and onboarding simple to lower the barrier to healthcare and benefits information. Essentially, we combine the one-to-one customer service and knowledge of traditional brokers with customized benefits plans and an easy-to-use cloud based software platform. It’s pretty awesome.

The gap between tech and traditional brokers is not as big as you think. There is a broker available that serves to close that gap. At Decisely, we take the benefits of the two groups to create a hybrid that is increasing efficient at reducing complexity for small businesses in every industry.